Dress A Girl Around the World - SF Bay Area
Imagine a world where every little girl owned at least one new dress
Our Sponsored Women 2023
Our EIGHT 2023 Sponsored Women*
Dress A Girl Around the World is part of a larger ministry called Hope 4 Women International (H4WI) that sponsors women in Uganda and the Philippines with microloans for them to begin small businesses. Sponsorship can change the life of a woman and her family. The ladies enter a one year program where they receive training in Math, English, Reading and Biblical Principles of Business. They also receive gardening supplies and training in how to make a garden grow in their area.
Each year, our group collects funds and sponsors as many women as we can; this year we are sponsoring EIGHT*! If you hare interested in sponsoring another lady on your own, please email Lisa@h4wi.org for more information; For just $36 a month, you can change the life of a woman and her family.
*Not pictured here are SIX additional women were sponsored by individuals in our group, for a total of 14 women sponsored by our SF Bay Area Dress-a-Girl!
Yerusa Amita
Mary Nelima
Beatrice Namwaki
Hadijah Namuluta
Agnes Khaitsa
Babura Katami
Justine Muchembu
Gladys Mukimba