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Dress-a-Girl SF Bay Area News - It's 2024!!


Happy NEW YEAR!!  We always take a 'break' over the Christmas holiday and it seems like January gets here SO FAST, and here we are!  Back in the saddle and ready to sew for God's little girls in 2024.  Hoping to see you all at our first Sew-fest event this coming Saturday, January 13, 9-3 at Holy Cross Lutheran, 1020 Mocho St, Livermore.  

THANKS TO ST CHARLES: We are again grateful recipients of a $500 grant from the the Social Concern Committee of St. Charles here in Livermore.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!  We will spend it well...on fabric and elastic of course!

2024 SPONSORSHIPS: Thanks to your donations, we were able to sponsor ELEVEN Ugandan women for this coming year! Six individuals sponsored a woman on their own and the rest of the group offering was enough to sponsor five more!  THAT, again, is a RECORD for us; and means that we have now sponsored SIXTY-TWO women since 2017!  We just received their bio information and I'll get it up on the website as soon as I can (Eric's been out of town and he has to scan them for me!)

NATIONAL NEWS: Check out the national January newsletter from Rachel HERE!

SEWING ROOM HACKS: It's January and if you are like me, it means you get an organizing bug!  I've been purging all kinds of things with trips to Savers, listings on FB marketplace and Buy Nothing groups and boy, does it feel good!   Here's a great article from Melly Sews blog with some genius hacks for your sewing room that you might want to incorporate! Check it out!

And here's another cool article with ideas for organizing your bobbins!  I know many of you are so good about matching your thread to each dress, so this might be helpful to you!

PRAYER REQUESTS: Please keep Marlene O. in your prayers, as she is having a full hip replacement soon. Also Raquel C as she has had wrist surgery.

MLK LEGACY AWARDS: As the SF Bay Area DAG ambassador, I was nominated and will be a recipient of one of three MLK Legacy Awards at the annual breakfast meeting of Pleasanton Community of Character Collaborative, more info here.  Thank you to the Collaborative for the honor!

2024 SEWFEST DATES: We are still working with the church on dates for all of 2024, but here are dates for the first few months!  Jan 13, Feb 24, & April 6

Hope to see you all on Saturday as we look forward to another year!


PS...As usual, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to email or text (; 925-352-8447 OR check the website ...i think everything is there, I try hard to keep it updated!


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© 2023-2024 Dress A Girl Around the World, Suzanne Beck

SF Bay Area Ambassador
Suzanne Beck

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Dress a Girl San Francisco Bay Area

For more information, please contact DAG Bay Area Ambassador, Suzanne Beck or visit the national DAG website.  If you would like to receive our every-so-often newsletter, please click here.


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